Psychology Courses
PSY100SS - Exploring Psychology
(4 credits) (NWCore option under Self and Society) In this course students learn how, using methodologies such as observation, survey and experimentation, psychological science explores the causes and consequences of human action. An overview of major findings from the field of psychology such as biological bases of behavior, learning and memory, motivation and emotion, human development, personality, intelligence, psychopathology and therapy, the effect of
others on individuals will be discussed and students will be encouraged to apply this knowledge to their own views and actions. Students will consider why the integration of faith and science in understanding humans is important and will explore ways of accomplishing this integration.
PSY214 - Social Psychology
(4 credits) This course involves the study of the way individuals think about, influence and relate to one another. Topics include: attitude change, social thinking, conformity, obedience, persuasion, prejudice, aggression, altruism, roles, norms and environmental influences on social behavior. The major aim of the course is to encourage an appreciation of the relationship between personal and situational determinants of social behavior. Prerequisite: PSY100SS, 221SS, or SOC101SS.
Cross-Referenced: Cross-referenced in sociology.
PSY215 - Research Design and Introductory Statistics
(4 credits) This course acquaints the student with basic empirical research techniques in the behavioral sciences including political science, psychology, social work and sociology. The course aims to enable the student to function as a conductor and a consumer of behavioral science research. Techniques include: observation, questionnaire and survey, interview, single-subject designs, qualitative research, and experimental and quasi-experimental methodologies. Topics include: descriptive and basic inferential statistics, sampling methods and research ethics. Prerequisites: PSY100SS, SOC101SS, PSC101SS, or PSC105SS, and fulfillment of the Quantitative Resoning requirement.
PSY216WI - Research Design and Advanced Statistics
(4 credits) (Writing intensive) Skills in statistical analysis and interpretation of psychological research are developed in this course with emphasis on correlation, regression and analysis of variance. Basic skills learned in Research Methods I are extended through practice in conducting, analyzing and reporting research using statistical software such as SPSS.
Prerequisite: PSY215.
PSY221SS - Developmental Psychology: Childhood
(4 credits ) (NWCore option under Self and Society) This course explores the development of the child from the prenatal period into adolescence. Children's physical, cognitive, emotional, personality, social, moral and faith development is examined. Psychological research methods for studying children are covered.
PSY224 - Developmental Psychology: Adolescence
(4 credits) Adolescents experience many changes in a few short years as they transition from childhood to adulthood. This course explores the major psychological issues and theories in adolescent development with emphasis on cognitive development, self-concept, peer relationships and sexuality, among others.
PSY225 - Developmental Psychology: Adulthood
(4 credits) This course explores psychological issues and theories in normal adult development, with emphasis on cognitive, social and personality functioning from young adulthood to old age.
PSY226 - Sport and Performance Psychology
(4 credits) This course acquaints the student with theory and research
surrounding sport and exercise and its role for individuals, coaches and
teams, and larger society. The course covers the topics of athletic
preparation, performance and performance states, anxiety, energy management,
attention, focus and motivation, as well as acquisition and learning in
relations to motor skills. Prerequisite: PSY100SS or PSY221SS.
PSY230 - Industrial/Organizational Psychology
(2 credits, alternate years, consult department) This course covers the psychological issues of the work place such as personnel selection and development, organizational psychology and the work environment. The professional activities of I/O psychologists are examined including selection and the placement of new employees, staff training and development, performance management, organizational development, analysis of the quality of work life and ergonomics.
PSY240 - Helping Skills
(2 credits; alternate years, consult department) This course provides a first exposure to the practice of counseling/helping. A major emphasis will be the skilled helper model, an introductory model of active helping/counseling. This model focuses on helping clients understand and manage their problems and develop their unused opportunities and resources. Students will learn and practice the skilled helper model in a workshop setting that requires a great deal of active participation, self-reflection, journaling, and listening to peers in pseudo-counseling role-plays. Prerequisites: PSY100SS or PSY221SS.
PSY250CC - Cross-Cultural Psychology
(4 credits) (NWCore option under Cross-Cultural Engagement) As human beings we live our lives within the context of culture. Although many aspects of human life are similar across cultures, differences are also evident in a variety of dimensions. In this course we examine the ways humans differ across cultures and how culture impacts the way humans think and feel, as well as the way culture changes how we understand ourselves and our stories. Christian faith requires love and respect for others in the midst of the challenges culture can present. Ways Christians can learn from and love others will be discussed.
PSY260 - Psychology of Personality
(4 credits) Includes theories about the dynamics and structure of personality and current research on personality. The course emphasizes psychoanalytic, trait, humanistic and behavioral views of personality. Prerequisites: PSY100SS, 221SS, or both PSY224 and 225.
PSY310 - History of Psychology
(2 credits) This course provides an overview of the history and theories which have shaped contemporary psychology with attention on the assumptions and presuppositions underlying the discipline, as well as the nature of the discipline.
Prerequisite: At least eight credits of previous psychology courses.
PSY315 - Learning and Cognition
(4 credits, alternate years, consult department) An introduction to the topics of learning, memory and cognition within the field of experimental psychology. An emphasis will be placed on approaching problems as an "experimental psychologist." Advantages and limitations of the experimental approach and applications of the knowledge base of experimental psychology will be highlighted. Prerequisites: PSY100SS and 215.
PSY319 - Motivation and Emotion
(4 credits, alternate years, consult department) Why do we do what we do? How do we know what we want and what we need? How do we set goals for ourselves and act to achieve them? These are some of the questions that the psychology of motivation and emotion attempt to answer. This course will examine universal and specific motivations and emotions in the context of physiological, cognitive and affective systems. It will also pursue applications of motivation and emotion to the psychology of addiction, health, coping and optimal functioning. Prerequisites: PSY100SS and 215.
PSY350 - Brain and Behavior
(4 credits) Why do we do what we do? This course discusses what is currently understood
about the functioning of the human brain. Brain and Behavior will cover the
basics of brain anatomy and physiology; it will also provide in-depth
explorations of biological mechanisms of specific behaviors, such as sleep,
addiction, and mental health. Prerequisites: PSY100SS and PSY215.
PSY360 - Psychopathology
(4 credits) This course will provide a broad survey of what is considered to be disordered in behavior, emotional expression, and cognition in adults. Emphasis will be placed on a scientific view of psychopathology. The two main foci of the course are the (a) description of various behaviors, symptoms, syndromes and illnesses as described in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association, and (b) research and theories concerning etiology including discussion of environmental, biological, social and interactive perspectives. While intervention and childhood disorders will be discussed, they are not the primary focus of this course. Prerequisite: 4 credits of psychology courses.
PSY390 - Psychology Seminar
(2 or 4 credits, alternate years, consult department) A study of a selected topic. Prerequisites: PSY100SS and four additional credits in psychology.
Note: The course may be repeated on different topics for a total of 8 credits.
PSY398 - Directed Study
PSY402 - Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology
(2 credits, non-yearly, consult department) This advanced seminar provides a first exposure to the theory and practice of clinical and counseling psychology. This exposure will include the history of clinical psychology and counseling psychology, the current state of the profession, ethical dilemmas, and controversies within the field. We will also touch on theories of psychotherapy, as well as the integration of Christian faith with clinical practice. Prerequisite: PSY100SS and four additional credits in psychology.
PSY406 - Psychology Research Lab
(4 credits) As a culminating experience, senior students conduct a semester-long empirical research project and produce an APA-formatted report. This is substantive project that allows the student to individually explore a self-selected research topic in depth and to experience the research process from initial idea to finished publication-ready manuscript. It challenges the student to think creatively, to integrate knowledge and skills obtained throughout the psychology curriculum, and to produce a worthwhile contribution to the field. Prerequisites: 20 credits of psychology courses including PSY215 and 216.
PSY417 - Internship
(4 credits may apply toward the major)
PSY418SR - Senior Capstone: Psychology, Faith and Values
(4 credits) This course is the senior capstone to the psychology major as well as one's entire Northwestern education. The course challenges students to thoughtfully reflect on and integrate their education in psychology and across the curriculum with their personal, intellectual, spiritual, and vocational life. In particular, a sizeable literature has developed which focuses on the relationship between Christian faith, philosophical assumptions, and psychology. Through reading, discussing, writing, and oral presentation, students will examine some of this literature and ask: How can a scientific psychology be compatible with a person-oriented Christianity? How can I integrate my view of the world with psychological theory and methods? Where do I go from here to serve God and neighbor? Prerequisites: 12 credits of psychology courses, including PSY310: History of Psychology, one course from the Belief and Reason NWC Core requirement; and at least junior status.
PSY420 - Directed Research
(1-4 credits) Directed research involves students in research projects conducted under the supervision of department faculty. Prerequisites: 8 credits of psychology, approval of the research director and the department chair.
Note: Encouraged for those students with expectations of graduate study. With the approval of the department, students may register for more than one term.