Students pause from painting for a community organization.

Service and outreach

Like many of our students, you might come from a family or community where you’ve learned to value service. If you want to continue reaching out during college, you won’t be alone. Northwestern students have earned national recognition for exceptional volunteerism. More than 60% volunteer each year; they teach English, tutor schoolchildren, serve soup and manage recycling efforts. They also serve in orphanages, assist refugees, and participate in medical missions. There are as many ministry opportunities as there are student interests and passions. And if the existing ministry teams don’t serve a cause you are passionate about—start one of your own!

Justice & Service Team

Focusing on justice issues, team members minister in prisons, participate in local service projects, and package food for families in hurricane-impacted Honduras. They also host campus events to raise funds for organizations that combat injustices like human trafficking.
