Strength and Conditioning
The career concentration in strength and conditioning will help prepare you to be effective strength and conditioning specialists and to also be prepared for graduate work in this area. The curriculum design is intended to supplement the majors of exercise science and athletic training and will provide students with the knowledge, skills, and experience specifically needed by strength and conditioning specialists beyond that which is acquired in the respective majors. The curriculum is intended to provide knowledge and experience specific to coaching/leadership, exercise and performance testing, program design and implementation, professionalism, and facility and personnel management. Our strength and conditioning graduates have been accepted into outstanding graduate programs.
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Required courses:
KIN 125 - Aerobic Activity
(1 credit)
KIN 127 - Weight Training
(1 credit)
KIN 215 - Principles of Personal Training
(3 credits) (Alternate years; consult department) Introductory knowledge and practice in the area of personal fitness training, focusing on the principles of client consultation, goal-setting, screening and risk-stratification, education-based client training, exercise program development, facility management, and liability. Prerequisite: KIN180.
KIN 229 - Leadership in Sport Management
(3 credits) This course introduces students to the management and leadership opportunities and skills required in the sport and fitness industry. The applied skills of organizational planning, human resource management, problem solving, communication and motivation in a sport leadership context are the primary focus in this course.
KIN 250 - Techniques in Resistance Training
(2 credits) Proper technique of various resistance training modes learned, focusing primarily on free weight and body weight exercises. Topics include proper spotting and safety techniques, breathing patterns, and exercise progression. Prerequisite or concurrent: KIN233.
KIN 281 - Practicum in Strength and Conditioning I
(2 credits) Introductory experience to the practices and methods of Strength and Conditioning. Students will gain knowledge and experience in the philosophies of Strength and Conditioning while gaining hands-on experience in teaching, evaluating, and coaching others in the techniques of Strength and Conditioning. Prerequisites: BIO121 and 122 or CHE101 and 102, KIN241, and permission of the program director.
Note: There is a 50-hour Strength and Conditioning observation requirement in conjunction with this class. Graded on a pass/no pass basis.
KIN 333 - Biomechanics
(3 credits) Mechanical principles and concepts governing human movement are examined, with an emphasis on analyzing sport skills. Prerequisite: KIN233.
Note: Three lectures and one 90-minute laboratory period per week. A fee is associated with this course.
KIN 381 - Practicum in Strength and Conditioning II
(2 credits) Students will add to previously gained knowledge and experience in the area of Strength and Conditioning by gaining hands-on experience, specifically in the areas of movement and analysis and exercise prescription. Graded on a pass/no pass basis. Prerequisite: KIN281.
Note: There is a 50-hour Strength and Conditioning observation requirement in conjunction with this class.
KIN 393 - Advanced Topics in Strength and Conditioning
(3 credits; alternate years, consult department) Advanced study of the scientific principles and theories related to strength and conditioning. Discussions related to applications and concepts in the exercise sciences, testing and evaluation, program design, and strength and conditioning administration and facility organization will be emphasized. Prerequisite: KIN250.
KIN 403 - Motor Learning
(3 credits) Understanding of theoretical constructs of learning and knowledge of motor learning principles relating to response mechanisms, feedback, motivation, stress anxiety factors, and the influence of psycho-social elements in the acquisition of complex movements.
KIN 417 - Internship
(4 credits may apply toward the major) Prerequisite: KIN241 and either KIN341 or KIN381.
KIN 481 - Practicum in Strength and Conditioning III
3 credits) Students will add to previously gained knowledge and experience in the area of Strength and Conditioning by gaining hands-on experience in the areas of program design and implementation. Students direct Strength and Conditioning program of a sport with supervised independence. Prerequisite: KIN381 and KIN417.
Note: There is an 80-hour (minimum) Strength and Conditioning observation requirement in conjunction with this class. Graded on a pass/no pass basis.
Total credits required: 30
It is recommended that students choose to take KIN371, Sport Nutrition, instead of KIN236, Nutrition for Life, or KIN370, Human Nutrition for Health Care Professionals, as a part of their major curriculum.
The entry point into the program is to take KIN281, Practicum in Strength and Conditioning I, which has the following prerequisites:
- BIO121 and BIO122 series or CHE101 and CHE102 series
- KIN241 Directed Field Experience or KIN251 Practicum in Athletic Training
- Permission of the program director