Health & Science Professions
Raider Day lab rotations
(Note for parents: These lab rotations are designed to introduce students to Northwestern’s learning opportunities. Parents are welcome to attend, but you will likely be on the sidelines and/or outside the actual lab space. There may time to see things for yourself when the rotation time nears its end.)
Cadaver and Neuroscience Labs – VPH 215
This introduction to the human cadaver and neuroscience research labs will highlight exciting ways you can learn about biology and health-related resources at Northwestern.
This lab is available for all three rotations and can accommodate 10 students per session.
Nursing Simulation Center
The nursing simulation center provides a safe environment for nursing students to practice their skills and prepare for actual practice as a nurse. Along with a brief tour of the center, you’ll experience hands-on learning with “Apollo” (a human patient simulator) and several other real-life learning opportunities.
This lab is available for all three rotations and can accommodate 10 students per session.
HeLa Cell Research Lab – VPH 219
In 1951, a poor black tobacco farmer named Henrietta Lacks went to Johns Hopkins University Hospital to be treated for cancer. While she was there, a scientist took cells from her tumor. Those cells, known as HeLa cells, have become one of the most powerful tools in medicine—used in the development of the polio vaccine, cloning, genomics, gene mapping, understanding cancer biology, and much more. The story of Henrietta Lacks and her cells was told in an extraordinary book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot, and was made into a movie. At Northwestern College, we are using HeLa cells, metastatic human breast cancer cells, human liver tumor cells and mouse lymphoma cells to determine if extracts from common plants (rosemary, ginger, vinca, lavender, sage) and chemicals found in those extracts can slow the growth of tumor cells growing in culture. Come see these cells and listen to biology students describe this research project and what they are learning by participating in it.
This lab is available during sessions 2 & 3 and can accommodate 10 students per session.
Human Performance Lab – RSC 140
The Human Performance Lab is equipped with tools to test the physical fitness of the general population and the athletic performance of collegiate and elite athletes. Body composition, aerobic fitness/power, and muscular strength are just a few of the variables of interest to students in this area. Northwestern kinesiology students will demonstrate a body composition analysis with an underwater weighing test, perform a VO 2max test with a metabolic cart, and conduct a Wingate test to measure power output. Be ready to test your vertical jump and anaerobic power!
This lab is available during sessions 2 & 3 and has no limit on participants per session.
Using a variety of preserved animals and skeletons from our collections, you’ll explore how characteristics of animals relate to their feeding strategies, locomotion and habitat use. Field biologists use these same methods to identify organisms and understand their ecological roles. This type of study is critical to forming hypotheses about newly discovered species, the study of biodiversity, and the development of conservation strategies.
This lab is available during session 1 and can accommodate 12 students.
Mathematical Problem-Solving
Mathematics is a dynamic enterprise that thrives on teamwork and effective communication of ideas. During this session, you’ll tackle problems that require little in the way of a specific mathematical background but much in the way of analytical thinking.
This session is available during session 3 and can accommodate 12 students.