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Dr. Paul Bartlett, professor of kinesiology, and Paul Kurtzleben, physical plant technician/electrician, are the recipients of Northwestern College’s 2022 Inspirational Service Awards. Bartlett was chosen as the faculty recipient, while Kurtzleben received the staff award during the college’s Celebration Banquet on May 9.
Northwestern College’s new online master’s degree programs in clinical mental health counseling and school counseling will begin May 16 with about 15 students enrolled.
Fifteen Northwestern College students will spend a portion of their summer as short-term missionaries through the college’s Summer of Service (SOS) program. They will spend five to 12 weeks volunteering with mission partners in Alaska, Louisiana, Africa, Southeast Asia, Romania and Greece.

After spending the school year making plans, preparing music and fundraising, Northwestern College’s A cappella Choir will soon embark on its tour of Denmark and Sweden, May 17–29.
Northwestern College students will travel to England and Greece this summer as part of study abroad programs offered by the college’s off-campus study office.
Northwestern College will award degrees to 369 students during its annual commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 14. Master of Education degrees will be presented to 148 students; another 194 will receive Bachelor of Arts degrees; and 27, Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees.
Northwestern College will host a theatre camp June 20–23 for high school students interested in a variety of roles in theatre.
Northwestern College President Greg Christy has been granted a summer sabbatical in recognition of 15 years of outstanding leadership.
Northwestern College's music department will present concerts by the Women's Choir, Jazz Band and Symphonic Band April 22, 23 and 29, respectively.
The Northwestern College theatre department will present Anton Chekhov’s “The Cherry Orchard” April 22–23 and 28–30 in the DeWitt Theatre Arts Center’s Allen Theatre.