Ryan Sjaarda
Valley Springs, South Dakota
Ryan Sjaarda

Prediction of Success

Ryan has always enjoyed math and solving problems. He knew Northwestern had a quality actuarial program, but it was not until he visited campus that he got a sense of Northwestern’s caring community. Ryan is the discipleship coordinator for North Suites Hall and also works as a math tutor in the Peer Learning Center. After graduation, Ryan plans to become an actuary in the life insurance sector.

Growing field
When I was in high school, I went to a math challenge, and after the events of the day, there was a presentation about actuarial science. I talked to one of my math teachers, and she thought I had the skills necessary to become an actuary. When I read that actuarial science had one of the highest growth rates of any job, I felt like it might be a good fit for me too.

Life lessons
My professors teach the material I need to know clearly, and I value their wisdom about the field. They also teach important life lessons that extend beyond the realm of actuarial science. My professors have not only helped prepare me for my career as an actuary, they have helped me become a better person.

Sovereign plan
Actuarial science looks at random events and attempts to model what might transpire and what it will cost. Through my study of randomness and probability, I have a deeper admiration for God’s sovereignty because he already knows the outcome of these random events and has my story planned. 

Before coming to Northwestern, I was not the most social person, but dorm life has given me opportunities to meet people and navigate life with them. The dorm is a space where my friends and I can ask hard questions about life and faith, be challenged in our schoolwork and just enjoy each other’s company. Northwestern’s environment allows you to fearlessly be who you are and know that you will be loved and accepted. 
