Noah Roisum
Rapid City, South Dakota
Noah Roisum


After he graduates from Northwestern, Noah is interested in studying law and then working in international or corporate law. Other careers he is considering include a government job with the State Department or National Security Agency, a global trade position with an international corporation, or a role with a Christian nonprofit organization like Samaritan’s Purse. He’s a member of the men’s tennis team and active in residence life and campus events.

Every tribe and language
I have a huge passion for traveling, foreign languages and meeting people from around the world. Spending a month in Uganda with my family while we were adopting my little sister sparked my desire to experience different places and cultures, and it has grown ever since. I took French my sophomore and junior years of high school and discovered my love of foreign languages. I continued to teach myself French and was able to test out of Northwestern’s language requirement, but I still took Spanish for fun during my first semester of college. I also find it fascinating to talk to people from around the world and learn about their different experiences and perspectives. Those things—paired with my interest in business, politics and some specific fields of law—are what led me to choose international business as my major.

Prof support
The business department at Northwestern is incredible. My adviser helped me navigate quite the puzzle of a schedule, given my many interests. My economics professor, who is originally from China, offered to help me learn Mandarin. From my first year, it has been evident to me that the professors genuinely care about their students and are willing to come alongside us in our various endeavors.

Semester in Romania
Northwestern’s Romania study abroad program was super attractive to me because of the uniqueness of the country and its location at the junction between Europe, Asia and the Middle East. As part of my semester abroad there, I’m taking classes in Romanian history and language and completing an international internship, a requirement for my major. My dad spent a year in France when he was younger and talks to this day about how incredible and formational it was for him, so I couldn’t be more excited to make some of my own memories and grow in a similar way.

Global network
Being an international business major challenges me to look outside of my sphere and see the bigger picture of the world around me. Proficiency in different languages and understanding the global world we live in opens doors to billions of people, both for professional reasons, and more importantly, for Kingdom-growing purposes. By studying various business concepts and how they apply to the global stage—as well as to matters of international relations—I will be equipped with skills that are in demand in an increasingly connected world.

Passionate surrender
Jesus commanded his followers to go into the world and make disciples of all nations. He doesn’t call everyone to pick up and leave home—there is tremendous mission work to be done in our own communities—but his command has challenged me to expand the scope of my horizons. I don’t know where Jesus will call me in the future. It could be America; it could be somewhere else. But international business is a practical route for me to faithfully nurture the passions and interests he has given me and surrender them to his purposes, whether that be in a business, legal, political or mission-related field.
