Jason Lief
Professor of Biblical & Theological Studies
Jason Lief

Dr. Lief teaches courses in youth ministry and Christian formation and brings experience as both a college professor and high school Bible teacher. He is passionate about engaging real-world issues within the context of faith, exploring how the kingdom of God is at work in Scripture and in culture.

Experienced educator
A Northwestern College graduate, Dr. Lief holds a master’s degree in theology from Wheaton College Graduate School and a doctorate in practical theology from Luther Seminary. He says his experiences as a high school teacher made him a better professor, providing him tangible examples so he can now teach youth ministers and Christian educators “the power of presence” in young people’s lives. 

Accomplished author
Much of his writing and research seeks to understand and resolve the tensions between religion and pop culture. He has co-authored a resource for youth ministers who are struggling to reach teens investing in causes instead of the church, and he has also penned books on Christianity and heavy metal and the relationship between faith and science.

Immigration advocate
Dr. Lief also works with the National Immigration Forum to foster conversations about immigration reform across party lines. His efforts have connected him with local senators and highlighted the stories of immigrants and refugees living in the Midwest.

European traveler
Dr. Lief has led groups of students on hiking pilgrimages from Assisi to Rome, Italy. In between hikes, students stay in old monasteries and Airbnbs, sample authentic Italian food and wine, and—upon arriving in Rome—visit the stunning St. Peter’s Basilica.

Read Dr. Lief’s bio
