NWC recognized in report on environmental initiatives

Northwestern College is among about 50 Christian colleges across the United States and Canada that are recognized for their environmental stewardship in Green Awakenings Campus Report, a new publication released by Renewal: Students Caring for Creation. A student-led environmental group, Renewal is a growing movement of young Christians dedicated to caring for God’s creation through mobilizing and equipping their campuses to be better stewards of the environment.

“The student generation is stepping up to care for God’s creation, but previously little was known about what this movement looked like on Christian campuses,” says Ben Lowe, Renewal’s co-coordinator. “The Green Awakenings Campus Report demonstrates to the world what happens when Christian students and campuses come together to care for creation. Our two-fold goal is to demonstrate to colleges, churches and communities how we are working together for the renewal of God’s creation, and to inspire others to join us.”

Northwestern is among 14 Midwestern Christian colleges selected for inclusion in the report. Northwestern’s profile focuses on last year’s Day of Learning in Community, which highlighted creation care, and campus stewardship initiatives that earned the college a $5,000 grant from the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities.

 “The students of Renewal seek to follow God’s example of love, stewardship and reconciliation,” says Lowe. “For us, this means taking care of everything God so lovingly created—the earth and each other. We seek to care for the earth so all of God’s people and creatures, as well as future generations, can have a healthy environment in which to live.”

"Through the work of Renewal’s student leaders, a growing number of Christian colleges are, for the first time, thinking about what it means to care for God’s creation in the context of campus settings,” says Dr. Matthew Sleeth, bestselling Christian author, who was the keynoter for Northwestern’s 2009 Day of Learning in Community.
