Poet to be featured in reading series

Poet Todd Boss will be the third author featured in Northwestern College’s 2009–10 Deep Song Reading Series. Boss will read his poetry in the Te Paske Gallery of the Korver Visual Arts Center on Monday, Nov. 16, at 7 p.m. The public is invited to attend.

Boss’ best-selling debut poetry collection, Yellowrocket, was published in 2008 by W. W. Norton & Company and was awarded the Midwest Bookseller’s Choice Award. His poetry has been described as “musical, idea-driven and accessible to the average reader.” Boss’ award-winning poems have been featured in The New Yorker, Poetry, Virginia Quarterly Review, New England Review and Alaska Quarterly Review. His work has also been nationally syndicated on public radio and on Ted Kooser’s American Life in Poetry.

Boss is the director of external affairs at The Playwrights’ Center in Minneapolis. He earned a Master of Fine Arts degree at the University of Alaska-Anchorage and a bachelor’s degree at St. Olaf College.
