Biblical and theological studies courses

BTS150 - Christian Story I: Biblical Tradition
(4 credits) This course presents an overview of and orientation to the Bible, focusing on its content, character, role in the Christian faith, and covenant themes of creation, fall, redemption, and new creation. This course begins the development of theological thinking for academic study in the liberal arts and equips students for the task of integrating faith and learning in their academic work. Students should complete this course by the end of their second term. Note: Does not count toward a religion major or minor.
BTS250 - Christian Story II: Theological Tradition
(4 credits) This course presents an overview and orientation to Christian theology focusing on its formation, content, role in the Christian faith throughout Church history, and its interpretation of key biblical subjects such as God, Christ, creation, sin, redemption, church, and new creation. This course completes the Christian Story sequence and prepares students for a lifetime of critical thinking and faithful living from a biblical-theological perspective. Students should complete this course by the end of their fourth term. Prerequisite: BTS150. Note: Does not count toward a religion major or minor.
BTS260 - Christian Ethics
(2 credits, offered at the discretion of the department, consult department) A biblically based, theologically and historically informed study of both personal and social moral issues from a Christian perspective.
BTS280 - Topics in Hist of Christianity
(4 credits) A survey of the development of Christianity from the apostolic period to the contemporary world. Themes examined will include the separation of Church and Synagogue, Christianity in the Roman Empire, ecumenical councils, missionary expansion of the church in Europe and Asia, monasticism, the church in the High Middle Ages, the Protestant and Catholic Reformations, Confessionalism and the Wars of Religion, Puritanism, Pietism, The Enlightenment, Christianity and European Colonialism, Revivalism, Modernism and Evangelicalism, modern missionary expansion, the ecumenical movement, and Christianity as a global religion.
BTS280CC - Topics in Hist of Christianity
BTS290 - Mission and Justice
(4 credits) A general overview of the biblical-theological foundations and historical context of whole Christian mission, with special emphasis upon modern cross-cultural mission theories, international and community development, and the theory and practice of restorative justice. Prerequisite: BTS250 or permission of instructor.
BTS295 - Intercultural Communication
(2 credits) Christian ministry and mission is essentially an ongoing process of interacting effectively with others in ways appropriate to one's message and global/local contexts. By providing a progressively integrated understanding of intercultural issues, this course will enable students to apply principles of communication through their particular vocation or ministry so that they connect theory with models and practice to appropriately communicate the Gospel message across cultures and micro-cultures.
BTS310 - Christian Spirituality
(2 credits) A study of the meaning, purpose and practices of Christian spirituality as this has been understood in the Christian tradition. The course emphasizes the practice of spiritual disciplines and the relevance of spirituality in our contemporary world. Prerequisite: BTS250.
BTS317 - Topics in Old Testament Studies
(2 credits) A study of a single book or larger section of the Old Testament or a current area of critical inquiry concerning the Old Testament. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the Pentateuch, the Historical Writings, the Prophets, and the Poetic and Wisdom books. Prerequisites: BTS150 and sophomore class standing. Note: May be taken more than once provided a different topic is studied.
BTS322 - Topics in New Testament Studies
(2 credits) A study of a single book or larger section of the New Testament or a current area of critical inquiry concerning the New Testament. Possible topics include the Synoptic Gospels, the Book of Acts, the Johannine Literature, the Epistolary Literature, and the Apocalypse. Prerequisite: BTS150 and sophomore class standing. Note: May be taken more than once provided a different topic is studied.
BTS328WI - Biblical Interpretation
(4 credits) (Writing intensive) An examination of the past and present methods and proposals for Biblical Interpretation and Biblical Theology. The course will analyze and critique various models for hermeneutics and theological interpretation and also assist students in constructing exegetical methods that are biblically based, theologically informed and culturally relevant. In this Writing Intensive course for Religion and CE/YM majors, students will develop research and writing skills that will benefit them in a variety of vocational paths within the field of religion. Prerequisite: BTS150.
BTS335 - Theology and Church Ministry
(4 credits; alternate years, consult department) In this course, students will explore the identity of the church by engaging biblical, historical, cultural, and missional perspectives, grounding the life and ministry of the church in God?s ministry to the world in Jesus Christ. More specifically, this course will focus on the nature and role of youth ministry as an expression of this ministry as students are called to enter into the experiences of young people within contemporary Western culture. Prerequisite: BTS250. Cross-Referenced: Cross-referenced in Christian education.
BTS345 - Theology of Worship
(4 credits; alternate years, consult department) The purpose of this course is to thoughtfully examine the biblical, theological, and historical foundations of Christian worship, as well as the contemporary issues facing pastors and worship leaders in the 21st century. An important part of this discussion will be the exploration of worship skills and practices through reflection and participation, as well as the creation of liturgies for a variety of worship services. Prerequisite: BTS250.
BTS350 - Theology and Popular Culture
(4 credits; alternate years, consult department) This course explores the relationship between Christian faith and culture. It will begin by establishing a biblical and theological approach to cultural engagement, as well as a brief historical survey of how the Christian community has engaged issue of faith and culture in different historical and cultural moments. An important part of this course will be interdisciplinary exploration of the fields of "cultural theory" and "popular culture", specifically focusing upon what they have to contribute to different forms of Christian ministry. Finally, this course will prove the opportunity for students to begin to articulate what it means to live faithfully with a diversity of cultural contexts. Prerequisite: BTS250.
BTS370 - Calvin and Calvinism
(4 credits; alternate years, consult department) A study of John Calvin's INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION, as well as a survey of other varieties of Reformed theology, including later Calvinism. Prerequisite: BTS250.
BTS375 - Topics in Theology
(4 credits; alternate years, consult department) A study of one or more standard areas of theology, (such as the doctrines of Revelation, God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Humanity, Salvation, the Church, and Last Things) from a classical as well as a contemporary perspective. Prerequisites: BTS150 and BTS250. Note: The course may be repeated for credit provided a different topic is studied.
BTS382 - Religion in America
(4 credits) Focusing on the Christian tradition, this course will examine the individual, institutions, movements and faith traditions which have shaped and contributed to the American religious experience. To understand both the variety of and unity within the pluralist religious landscape, the course will seek to evaluate the interrelationship between religion and the broader social, cultural and political aspects of the American experience.
BTS384 - Topics in the History of Christianity
(2 credits, offered on demand or discretion of department, consult department) A historical study of a religious group, theological movement or important leader in the history of the Christian church. Note: This course may be repeated for credit provided a different topic is studied.
BTS385 - Topics in Religion
(2-4 credits; alternate years, consult department) A study of an interdisciplinary area of religion, not sufficiently covered by other courses, in response to student or faculty interests. Prerequisite: BTS250 or permission of instructor. Note: This course may be repeated for credit provided a different topic is studied.
BTS390CC - World Religions
(4 credits) (NWCore option under Cross-Cultural Engagement) The major religions of the world are examined in the light of the Christian faith. This course emphasizes the interaction of religion and culture with a view to cross-cultural understanding. In-depth research into a specific topic related to world religions is required.
BTS392 - Topics in Mission and Justice
(4 credits, alternate years, consult department) A topical and selective study of major missional themes, including justice and development, permitting students to read and reflect intensively upon the nature and challenge of Christian mission. Topics may vary from year to year. Sample topics might include Reconciliation, The Finality of Christ in a Pluralistic World, Interfaith Dialogue, Contextualization, Postmodern Apologetics. A missional service learning component is required, consisting of at least 20 hours of student engagement in meeting an identified missional community need. Prerequisite: BTS290 or permission of instructor. Note: This course may be repeated for credit provided a different topic is studied.
BTS398 - Directed Study
(2-4 credits)
BTS417 - Internship
(2 credits may apply toward the major)
BTS472SR - Bible, Theology and Vocation: Exploring Texts and Contexts
(4 credits) This disciplinary capstone course fulfills both the NWCore Senior Seminar (SR) requirement and a requirement for Religion and CE/YM majors. Building on the basic FYS questions (Who am I? Who are my neighbors? How will we live in the world?), this course will explore the intersection of biblical theology with one's vocation in light of scripture and Christian theological reflection. Students will complete weekly writing assignments, participate in seminar leadership through presiding and lecturing, and complete a major final paper in which they reflect on their college curricular and co-curricular experiences, engage biblical and theological texts in light of a variety of ancient and modern cultural contexts, and reflect on their faith development and sense of vocation. Prerequisites: BTS150, BTS250 and senior class standing. The course is open to students of other majors.
CEY315 - Philosophy of Adolescent Ministry
An investigation and formulation of a philosophy of ministry to and with adolescents. Various theoretical issues will be examined which will inform and assist students in the development of a philosophy which is biblically grounded, developmentally sensitive, culturally relevant, and theologically contextualized to the world of contemporary adolescence. (4 credits; alternate years, consult department) Prerequisite: Junior or senior class standing.
GRE101 - Elementary Biblical Greek and Culture
(4 credits, alternate years, consult department) This course will focus on learning the basics of koine Greek grammar and vocabulary as well as the cultural backgrounds of the New Testament writings. Readings and translation will focus on the Gospel and Letters of John. The New Testament writings will be examined in light of their social-historical and literary settings within Hellenistic Judaism and the broader Greco-Roman world. Note: The Greek program is offered at Northwestern College primarily as preparation for those students who plan to continue their education through seminary training. The ancient Greek taught here prepares students for biblical study in that language.
GRE102LA - Elementary Biblical Greek and Culture
(4 credits, alternate years, consult department) (NWCore option under Language and Culture) This course (a continuation of Greek 101) will focus on learning the basics of koine Greek grammar and vocabulary as well as the cultural backgrounds of the New Testament writings. Readings and translation will focus on the Gospel and Letters of John. The New Testament writings will be examined in light of their social-historical and literary settings within Hellenistic Judaism and the broader Greco-Roman world. Prerequisite: GRE101. Note: The Greek program is offered at Northwestern College primarily as preparation for those students who plan to continue their education through seminary training. The ancient Greek taught here prepares students for biblical study in that language.
GRE201 - Intermediate Biblical Greek and Culture
(1 credit; alternate years, consult department) This course is designed to facilitate the acquisition and retention of Greek grammatical, exegetical, and interpretive skills through the reading of ancient Greek texts. Primary focus will be on the Gospel of Mark and its context. Prerequisite: GRE102LA.
GRE202 - Intermediate Biblical Greek and Culture
(1 credit; alternate years, consult department) This course is designed to facilitate the acquisition and retention of Greek grammatical, exegetical, and interpretive skills through the reading of ancient Greek texts. Primary focus will be on the Letters of Paul and selections from other Greco-Roman authors. Students will also be introduced to the sub-discipline of Textual Criticism. Prerequisite: GRE201
HEB101 - Elementary Biblical Hebrew and Culture
(4 credits, alternate years, consult department) This course will focus on learning the basics of biblical Hebrew (vocabulary and grammar) and the cultural and linguistic backgrounds of the Old Testament. Readings from the different types of literature in the Hebrew Bible will be incorporated into the course work. The Old Testament writings will be studied against the historical and social backgrounds of the ancient Near East.
HEB102LA - Elementary Biblical Hebrew and Culture
(4 credits; alternate years, consult department) (NWCore option under Language and Culture) This course will build on the foundation laid in Hebrew 101 by equipping students to grasp the basics of biblical Hebrew grammar in light of its cultural and linguistic background. Readings from the different types of literature in the Hebrew Bible will be incorporated into the coursework as students develop confidence in speaking Hebrew and interpreting these writings. As a course that satisfies the NWCore Language and Culture requirement, students will also explore what it means to read biblical Hebrew with sensitivity toward scholarship, culture, and faith. Prerequisite: HEB101.
HON240AE - The Greek Legacy
(4 credits) (NWCore option under Aesthetic Experience) Virtually every academic discipline - from art to politics, theater to athletics, science to philosophy - can trace its roots, in some fashion, back to the ancient Greeks. In this honors course, students will explore their own discipline's historic and aesthetic expression, particularly through Greece's extensive archaeological remains, and reflect upon Greece's legacy as one of the most significant and enduring cradles of western civilization. Prerequisite: Membership in the Honors Program.
YCF215 - Spiritual Formation, Discipleship and Youth
(4 credits) This course will help students explore what it means to live a Christian life of faith and discipleship. It will explore the history and practice of the spiritual disciplines in the context of the ministry of the church. The purpose of this exploration is to help students learn how to articulate their own experience of Christian spirituality and faith so they can help lead and guide young people as they are formed into the likeness of Jesus Christ.
YCF310 - Servant-Leadership
(2 credits; alternate years, consult department) This course invites students to explore the philosophy of servant-leadership, identify its characteristics, and discover its broad applications. The purpose of this course is to provide students with a deeper understanding of the paradox of being a servant-leader and to empower students to practice servant-leadership and to serve and love God's world. Prerequisite: Must be sophomore standing or higher. Cross-Referenced: Cross-referenced in business.
YCF315 - Philosophy of Adolescent Ministry
(4 credits) (alternate years, consult department) An investigation and formulation of a philosophy of ministry to and with adolescents. Various theoretical issues will be examined which will inform and assist students in the development of a philosophy which is biblically grounded, developmentally sensitive, culturally relevant, and theologically contextualized to the world of contemporary adolescence. Prerequisite: Junior or senior class standing.
YCF320 - Teaching and Learning Strategies
(2 credits; non-yearly, consult department) The purpose of this course is to train students to teach Bible effectively in small group settings. The student is exposed to both the theory and practice of teaching and learning theories. Half the class is devoted to practicum in teaching. Prerequisite: YCF210 and BTS328WI.
YCF335 - Theology and Church Ministry
4 credits; alternate years, consult department) In this course, students will explore the identity of the church by engaging biblical, historical, cultural, and missional perspectives, grounding the life and ministry of the church in God?s ministry to the world in Jesus Christ. More specifically, this course will focus on the nature and role of youth ministry as an expression of this ministry as students are called to enter into the experiences of young people within contemporary Western culture. Prerequisite: BTS250. Cross-Referenced: Cross-referenced in Department of Biblical and Theological Studies.
YCF401 - Integrated Field Experience I
(2 credits) The focus of YCF401 and YCF402 is intentional exposure to various aspects of practical ministry in either Christian education or youth ministry in a local church or para-church organization, for two consecutive terms. The practical experience must be under supervision of an on-site supervisor and the professor of Christian Education. Weekly seminars for discussion and reflection on ministry and preparation for the writing of a major paper on the philosophy of ministry are conducted on campus. Prerequisites: Senior class standing and permission of instructor.
YCF402 - Integrated Field Experience II
(2 credits) The focus of YCF401 and YCF402 is intentional exposure to various aspects of practical ministry in either Christian education or youth ministry in a local church or para-church organization, for two consecutive terms. The practical experience must be under supervision of an on-site supervisor and the professor of Christian Education. Weekly seminars for discussion and reflection on ministry and preparation for the writing of a major paper on the philosophy of ministry are conducted on campus. Prerequisites: senior class standing and permission of instructor.