Worship Arts

Start your standout story.

Worship Arts

Worship begins with God’s revelation, involves our response to that revelation, and ultimately leads to transformed lives. It encompasses everything from the greeters at the door to the graphics on the screen—from testimonies, Scripture and sermons to songs, creeds and sacraments. As a worship arts major at Northwestern, you’ll learn how to create moving, cohesive, theologically sound church worship. You’ll be prepared to bring others into the very presence of God, whether you lead worship as a vocation or as a volunteer.

Major requirements

Worship Arts
Why NWC?

Why NWC?

Northwestern’s worship arts major will equip you to plan and lead worship, as well as inspire and empower others. It’s flexible enough for you to pair it with another major, minor or collection of courses that interests you—such as music, art, youth ministry, communications, theatre or theology—allowing you to use your gifts for God’s glory.

Your courses will explore the theology and story of worship; foundational classes in the music of the church and the history of Christianity; and practical courses covering music fundamentals and worship technology. The program is capped by an internship in worship arts. 

Drew Schmidt
Drew Schmidt
Program Director
DIVERSE WORSHIP Learn to appreciate worship practices from the global church.
PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE Intern with a church, NWC’s campus chapel program, or in another worship setting.
MULTI- DISCIPLINED Taught by professors from multiple departments


Join our standout alumni at:

Gateway Community Church
Middleton, WI
King of Kings Church
Omaha, NE
Lakeside Church
Worthington, MN
Western Theological Seminary
Holland, MI




During your junior or senior year, you’ll be placed with a church or parachurch ministry to gain hands-on experience in worship arts.

Beyond your internship

As a Northwestern student, you’ll be encouraged to get involved in a local church while you’re in college. There’s something wonderful about a diverse body of believers, where you can serve alongside an 8-year-old and an 80-year-old and get to know a business owner and a farmer. You have gifts and passion. Start serving Christ’s church today!

Worship Arts Scholarship

Worship Arts Scholarship

If you plan to become actively involved in worship at Northwestern College, you may be eligible for a Worship Arts Scholarship—even if you’re not a worship arts major. Application deadlines are Dec. 31 and March 31, but those meeting the earlier deadline will have the best chance to receive a scholarship. 

Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry

If you want to get hands-on experience as a worship arts major, become involved with Northwestern’s campus ministry program. Paid positions are available if you apply and are hired for the student Campus Ministry Team (in other words, your campus job could be leading worship!), but there are also numerous ways you can volunteer during chapel, Sunday night Praise & Worship, and other ministry events. Help on stage—leading music or reading Scripture, for example—or help behind the scenes—planning worship, running sound or operating lyrics. Whatever you do, you’ll grow in your leadership abilities while working under the supervision of the college’s director of worship.

Facilities + equipment

Facilities + equipment

Chapel is held Tuesdays and Fridays in Northwestern’s Christ Chapel, which seats 900. This beautiful space is well equipped with the instruments and equipment that you’ll need to lead the church in music, both on stage and in the tech booth.

The worship arts program also has a “lab” in the lower level of the Ramaker Center, where worship arts students gather weekly. During that hour and in that space, students explore theology and hone their skills as worshippers and leaders of worship. 

Compass Center for Career & Calling

Compass Center for Career & Calling

The Compass Center for Career & Calling offers a variety of career exploration experiences, including job shadowing; internships in a variety of locations; and study abroad opportunities around the globe. 


During your junior or senior year, you’ll be placed with a church or parachurch ministry to gain hands-on experience in worship arts.

As a Northwestern student, you’ll be encouraged to get involved in a local church while you’re in college. There’s something wonderful about a diverse body of believers, where you can serve alongside an 8-year-old and an 80-year-old and get to know a business owner and a farmer. You have gifts and passion. Start serving Christ’s church today!

Worship Arts Scholarship

If you plan to become actively involved in worship at Northwestern College, you may be eligible for a Worship Arts Scholarship—even if you’re not a worship arts major. Application deadlines are Dec. 31 and March 31, but those meeting the earlier deadline will have the best chance to receive a scholarship. 

Campus Ministry

If you want to get hands-on experience as a worship arts major, become involved with Northwestern’s campus ministry program. Paid positions are available if you apply and are hired for the student Campus Ministry Team (in other words, your campus job could be leading worship!), but there are also numerous ways you can volunteer during chapel, Sunday night Praise & Worship, and other ministry events. Help on stage—leading music or reading Scripture, for example—or help behind the scenes—planning worship, running sound or operating lyrics. Whatever you do, you’ll grow in your leadership abilities while working under the supervision of the college’s director of worship.

Facilities + equipment

Chapel is held Tuesdays and Fridays in Northwestern’s Christ Chapel, which seats 900. This beautiful space is well equipped with the instruments and equipment that you’ll need to lead the church in music, both on stage and in the tech booth.

The worship arts program also has a “lab” in the lower level of the Ramaker Center, where worship arts students gather weekly. During that hour and in that space, students explore theology and hone their skills as worshippers and leaders of worship. 

Compass Center for Career & Calling

The Compass Center for Career & Calling offers a variety of career exploration experiences, including job shadowing; internships in a variety of locations; and study abroad opportunities around the globe.