Faith Tyrrell
Marshalltown, Iowa
Faith Tyrrell

Kingdom sculptor

Faith could not imagine pursuing any other major. From the hands-on experience of holding a paintbrush to the digital possibilities of graphic design, she finds joy and freedom in the act of creation. Faith dreams of working as a children’s book illustrator at a Christian publishing house. Beyond the studio, she shares her gift of creativity as a discipleship group leader, speech fellow and Honors Program member.

Dream chaser
Growing up, I was that kid who would draw for hours, sketching made-up worlds for my mind to escape to or constructing rocket ships out of cardboard boxes. When I am creating, hours fly by like seconds and I get lost in the colors, textures and process of whatever I am making. When it came time to pick a major, I couldn’t see myself pursuing any other field. I am now working toward a graphic design degree.

Christ on the move
I chose Northwestern because I could sense that Christ was at work in every department. I was stunned by the faithful Christians I met and how open they were about their faith. At Northwestern, God has provided me with an excellent academic experience, a beautifully Christ-centered community, and a place that has grown and challenged my faith.

Palette of techniques
I love how our professors are always introducing new styles and techniques. I have learned so much about various art forms, ranging from the digital world of graphic design to the hands-on experience of creating ceramics. The art professors are always willing to help, and they love to talk through your creative process. Best of all, I appreciate the integration of faith into our projects. This allows us as young artists to see how we can serve the Creator through our creativity.

Work of his hands
All people echo the Creator in their own special way. In art, we are imitating God’s wild creativity, giving glory to him through the beautiful things we make. Studying art and growing in my understanding of its processes has impressed upon me the care and intentionality God must have put into creation. We are his delicate workmanship, designed to reflect his character and serve a unique purpose that only we can fulfill.
