Earning a graduate degree is a valuable investment, but it doesn't have to cost you all of your time away from other responsibilities. Northwestern College's online Masters in Special Education structure allows you to log into class and complete your weekly coursework when it's most convenient for you.
Take one online 8-week class at a time, completing two classes each semester, and you'll finish your M.Ed. in 2 years or less and be eligible for financial aid. The Masters in Special Education program also enables students to count credits toward their M.Ed. from our endorsement in Instructional Strategist I or II or work on both at the same time.
Our online Masters in Special Education curriculum was developed in concert with the Iowa Board of Education (BOE).
This master's program is approved for the TEACH Grant which can help you pay for your masters if you teach or plan to become a teacher in a high-need field in a low-income area. For more information visit the TEACH Grant website.
Required Core (15 credits):
EDU 555 - Trends and Issues in 21st Century Education (3 credits)
(3 credits) Teachers and schools must continually examine current
practices in PreK-12 education in search of better solutions to increase
achievement and to thoroughly prepare children for the world in which
they will live and work. In this course students will study current
social, political and academic trends and issues affecting children,
teachers and schools. Students will define their personal positions
based on facts and experience, and will collaborate with others to
advocate for solutions that improve education for PreK-12 grade students.
Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
EDU 570 - Teaching and Learning with Technology (3 credits)
(3 credits) Technology integration in the K-12 setting can enhance
learning, improve motivation and engagement, increase accessibility,
individualize instruction, differentiate assessment and improve
communication with parents and stakeholders. In this course students
will broaden their understanding of the technology available to them in
the PreK-12 classroom and improve their ability to leverage specific
technology to improve teaching and learning.
Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
EDU 610 - Educational Research Methods and Design (3 credits)
(3 credits) This course will provide an overview of research methodology
employed for studies in the field of education. Topics include basic
research methodology, interpretation of findings, and application of
research in educational settings. Students will develop their ability to
critically evaluate educational research and to judiciously apply
findings in their professional settings. By the conclusion of the course
students will be able to identify a potential topic for future research
and outline the basic methodology needed to conduct the study.
Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
EDU 635 - Master’s in Education Capstone (3 credits)
(3 credits) In this course students will apply the cumulative knowledge and
skills learned in their master's program. The research focus may be related to student learning, teacher effectiveness,
school quality, school policy, or other area by approval. The project will be
proposed, approved, designed, and implemented prior to the
student's graduation with a master's degree in education from Northwestern
College. Students who do not have a finished capstone approved by the
M.Ed. Director at the conclusion of EDU635 will repeat the
course for credit.
Prerequisite: EDU610.
Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis.
Choose one
EDU 540 - Teaching Young Children with Diverse Needs (3 credits)
(3 credits) Students will learn to design curriculum, instruction and
specific to the needs of diverse children ages 0 through 8. Create safe
and nurturing classroom environments that are developmentally appropriate
and respect diversity. Collaborate with stakeholders to meet the needs
of young children.
Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
EDU 565 - Instructional Strategies for Diverse Students and Settings (3 credits)
(3 credits) This course is intended for experienced teachers, and will
focus on
building off of prior knowledge and experience to improve student
learning. Research-based instructional strategies will be studied, with
particular emphasis on adapting and employing strategies to fit students'
cognitive abilities, motivation, interest, cultural background and other
unique characteristics in diverse settings. Students in this class will
apply new instructional strategies in their practice to positively impact
learning in the PreK-12 classroom.
Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
Special Education Emphasis (15 credits):
SPED 520 - Assessment Planning and Practice
This course will provide an in-depth presentation of the complex issue of
assessment, including an examination of evaluation procedures, from
pre-referral intervention, eligibility/placement/program decision-making to
progress monitoring of research-based instructional interventions based on
Response to Intervention (RTI). Students will examine a variety of formal
and informal instruments and techniques used in assessing the strengths,
needs, interests, and preferences of children and youth with exceptional
learning needs. The focus is placed on providing students with knowledge
and skills necessary for selecting, using, interpreting, and evaluating
results from measurement and/or screening instruments and techniques
commonly employed by professionals to facilitate special education
placement, Individual Education Program (IEP) development and evaluation of
the effectiveness of that instruction using progress-monitoring techniques.
Issues in assessment and instruction concerning multicultural and bilingual
special education will also be addressed. (3 credits)
SPED 605 - Instructional Decision Making and Leadership in Special Education
This course provides an introduction to theoretical and practical
applications of data-driven decision making, assessments, and curriculum
planning for educators. Students will explore the uses of qualitative and
quantitative data by educational leaders for the purpose of improving
student and organizational outcomes. This course will also focus on using a
collaborative problem-solving approach and response to intervention
processes to improve the learning rate of student. (3 credits)
SPED 612 - Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues in Special Education
This course is an intensive study of the legislation and litigation involved
with individuals with disabilities specifically concentrating on those
students between the ages of birth - 21 years. A historical as well as
current study of legislation used as the basis for providing special
education services on the federal and state level will be covered. The legal
system on the federal and state level is covered as well as critical
litigations that have influenced the field of special education. The student
will become knowledgeable about the legal precedence for all that they do as
a special educator. (3 credits)
SPED 550 - Communication and Collaborative Partnerships
This course will prepare special education personnel, classroom teachers,
related services personnel, and other support staff for collaborative
consultation, teamwork and transition in serving the educational needs of
students and their families. Consideration of the role of home and parents
in the educational programming for exceptional children, and practical to
positive strategies that can be used in working with parents. The context,
content, processes, practices, and support of collaborative school
consultation will be addressed. (3 credits)
SPED 545 - Behavior and Social Interventions of Learners
In this course students will learn about the basic principles of learning
that govern human behavior as well as how these principles can be applied in
the classroom to help individuals with exceptional learning needs reach
their maximum potential. Students will also learn how to measure and
analyze student behavior in order to evaluate student learning and make
necessary adjustment to teaching strategies for individuals with exceptional
learning needs. (3 credits)
Total Credits: 30 credit hours
Seamlessly earn your master's degree along with an Instructional Strategist I or II Endorsement. Add only a few more courses and a student teaching experience* to further expand your teaching opportunities. Here's how.