
Completion of the health minor and completion of a 30-hour teaching major meets the Iowa Department of Education guidelines for a health specialist, which permits the instruction of health in the Iowa public schools.

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Minor requirements

KIN 101 - Concepts of Physical Fitness
No course description available.
KIN 210 - Personal and Community Health
(2 credits; alternate years, consult department) A foundational course designed for students to become informed about health as well as becoming responsible and active participants in the maintenance of their personal health and affecting the health of their community. The course is intended to provide a comprehensive coverage of health promotion, mental health, stress management, afflictions and diseases, aging, dying and death, safety and accident prevention, environmental health, consumerism and health care and promotion. Prerequisite: KIN101.
KIN 234 - Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
(3 credits) An introduction to athletic injury prevention, recognition, evaluation, care and rehabilitation: including basic wrapping and taping techniques. Adult first aid certification will be secured upon successful completion of the course. Prerequisite: BIO102SN, 115, 121 or permission of instructor. Note: Includes one lab period per week. A fee is associated with this course.
KIN 236 - Nutrition for Life
(2 credits; alternate years, consult department) The study of principles of nutrition and the application of these principles to a healthy lifestyle.
KIN 237 - Substance Abuse
(2 credits; alternate years, consult department) The study of the history, composition and use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco, including their reactions relative to therapeutic values, their known and potentially injurious effects on the human body, and methods for prevention, intervention and rehabilitation of those who would use, or have used, these substances.
PSY 221SS - Developmental Psychology: Childhood
(4 credits ) (NWCore option under Self and Society) This course explores the development of the child from the prenatal period into adolescence. Children's physical, cognitive, emotional, personality, social, moral and faith development is examined. Psychological research methods for studying children are covered.
SOC 210SS - Marriage and Family
(4 credits; alternate years, consult department) (NWCore option under Self and Society) This class employs the sociological imagination to think about what "family" is and how the social world has shaped both families and the images and ideals that suggest what families or marriage should be. This class will use the tools of sociology to think critically about "family" as a social institution. We will wrestle with various ways of defining what family is, work to understand how families are shaped by the social world, and ask if using the sociological imagination can help us to look at current debates about family in a new and productive way.
BIO 102SN - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
(4 credits) (NWCore option under Science and the Natural World) An introduction to the structure and function of the human body. Note: Includes 1 1/2 hours of lab per week. Does not count toward a biology major or minor. A fee is associated with this course.
OR complete both courses:
BIO 121 - Introduction to Human Anatomy
(4 credits) An introduction to the anatomical structures of the human body. The focus of the course will be on structures of: cells, tissues, organs and organ systems. The systems studied will include (but not necessarily limited to) integument, bone, skeletal system (including joints), muscle, cardiovascular, nervous, lymphatic, endocrine, respiratory, renal, reproductive and gastrointestinal. Concurrent requisite: CHE101 or 111. Note: Includes 3 hours of lab per week as well as lab practical examinations using either dissected organs from an animal source or A.D.A.M. interactive anatomy. Does not count toward a biology major or minor. A fee is associated with this course.
BIO 122 - Introduction to Human Physiology
(4 credits) An introduction to the physiology of the human body. The focus of the course will be on homeostasis and the function of: biomolecules, cells and tissues, organs and organ systems. The contribution of each of the following organ systems to physiologic homeostasis will be examined: nervous, muscle, cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory, renal, reproductive and gastrointestinal. Prerequisite or Concurrent requisite: CHE101SN or CHE108SN or CHE111. Note: Includes 3 hours of lab per week which will emphasize the measurement of organ system function. Does not count toward a biology major or minor. A fee is associated with this course.
Choose one course: 3-4
KIN 230 - Physiological Adaptations to Exercise
(3 credits; alternate years, consult department) The study of the physiological effects of exercise on the human body. Prerequisite: BIO102 or 115.
KIN 325WI - Physiology of Exercise
(4 credits) (Writing intensive) The study of the physiological effect of exercise on the human body. Emphasis will be given to metabolism, neuromuscular physiology, cardiopulmonary physiology, and the integration of all physiology systems. Prerequisites: BIO121 and 122 or BIO221 and 222, CHE101 and 102 or CHE111 and 112, or permission of instructor. Note: Course includes one 90-minute laboratory period per week. A fee is associated with this course.

Competency requirement:

First aid and CPR certification:
Option 1:
First aid and CPR certifications through American Heart Association or American Red Cross
Option 2:
CPR certification and KIN234-Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
(3 credits) An introduction to athletic injury prevention, recognition, evaluation, care and rehabilitation: including basic wrapping and taping techniques. Adult first aid certification will be secured upon successful completion of the course. Prerequisite: BIO102SN, 115, 121 or permission of instructor. Note: Includes one lab period per week. A fee is associated with this course.
Option 3:
Complete one of the following courses:
KIN104 - First Aid
(1 credit) An intensive course in first aid, including lectures, demonstrations and practice in accident prevention and treatment of injuries. American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid and Adult/Child/Infant CPR/AED certification will be secured upon successful completion of this course. Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis. A fee is associated with this course.
KIN152 - Emergency Care
No course description available.
KIN260 - Coaching Endorsement
(4 credits) This course meets the Iowa Department of Education requirements for three of the four coaching authorization areas: Child Development (15 instructional hours), Anatomy and Physiology for Coaches (15 instructional hours) and the Care and Prevention of Injuries (30 instructional hours). Emphasis will be placed on the practical application of educationally sound strategies for caring for the needs of youth involved in sport. American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid and Adult CPR certification will be secured upon successful completion of this course. Prerequisite: sophomore standing or permission of instructor. Note: Course includes one 45-minute lab per week. A fee is associated with this course.

Total credits required: 36
